Fallout new vegas home
Fallout new vegas home

fallout new vegas home

  • The quest Ring-a-Ding-Ding! needs to be completed to gain access to this suite.
  • Offered within are two master wardrobes, two guest wardrobes, a refrigerator, workbench, two workbench chests, a Sunset Sarsaparilla machine, and two weapon lockers.
  • Apart from DLC housing, this is the only home that one is able to upgrade.
  • The penthouse comes with a view and is much brighter and even more spacious than the presidential suite, but comes with fewer containers.
  • It is also possible to sleep and safely store items in the penthouse, located on the top floor of the Lucky 38 where the Courier meets and speaks with Mr.
  • This is the only place companions can be sent to specifically aside from their home locations. House, it will be required to give him the platinum chip in order to receive the suite).
  • Given to the Courier by Robert House after the first time they have spoken with him (if Benny was killed prior to speaking to Mr.
  • fallout new vegas home

  • Lucky 38 presidential suite and penthouse in the Lucky 38 casino.
  • fallout new vegas home

    If one's reputation is Neutral with Novac the key can be purchased for 100 caps. If she is dead, Cliff Briscoe at the Dino Bite gift shop can provide it.

  • If a reputation of Accepted is held with Novac, the key can be obtained for free from Jeannie May Crawford.
  • This page lists all player character housing in Fallout: New Vegas. For player housing in Fallout 3, see Fallout 3 player character housing.įor player housing in Fallout 4, see Fallout 4 player character housing.

    Fallout new vegas home